Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect for Gilpin County and the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests as of noon on 9/3/24. Learn more.


Register to Vote


Political Parties in Colorado
View details and contact information for the political parties in Colorado.

Unaffiliated Voter
When you register to vote, you will need to declare your party affiliation. You may register with any recognized party in the State of Colorado. Party affiliation determines the Primary ballot that you would be eligible to vote on. You may also register as unaffiliated, which means that you are not associated with any political party.

You can register to vote at or by filling out the Colorado Voter Registration Form and sending it in to the Clerk's Office.

Confidential Voter
Any individual who feels that they, or any member of their immediate family residing in the same household, will be exposed to criminal harassment or otherwise be in danger of bodily harm, may request that their address on voter records maintained by the County Clerk be kept confidential. Confidential records are not given out to the public or political party representatives. Requests must be made in person at the County Clerk's office and are subject to a $5.00 fee.

Am I Registered to Vote?