Civil Union means a relationship established by two eligible persons pursuant to Article 15 (C.R.S. 14-15-101) that entitles them to receive the benefits and protections and be subject to the responsibilities of spouses.
State Vital Records Office
Birth, death and other vital records
To obtain a civil union license...
- Note the Age Requirements and Prohibitions
No parental consent is required for 18 years or older.
Ages (over 18 and not under guardianship or over 18 with guardian permission)
If applicant is younger than 16 years old, consent of parents/guardian AND judicial approval (Court Order) are required
A couple may not create a civil union when one of the parties is still married or in a civil union to another person.
Divorces must be final.
Civil Unions between ancestor and descendant is prohibited whether half or whole blood. (Civil Unions between cousins is permitted). First cousins are acceptable.
- Complete the Application
Download, print, and complete the application or come to the office to complete one.
- Schedule an Appointment
As of June 1, 2021, we are accepting walk-ins but appointments are preferred. To make an appointment, please call 303-582-5321 or email
- Bring the Correct Documents
Legal identification for proof of age is required. All forms of identification must be verifiable in the United States.
The following are acceptable:
- Out-of-state issued photo driver license or photo identification card.
- Any Colorado driver license, Colorado 7-day Affidavit and notice of Revocation or Affidavit and Notice of Suspension, or Colorado identification card expired less than 1 year.
- Certified birth certificate (Federal, State, County, Dept, or Justice, Dept. of State and Bureau of Indian Affairs) Birth Certificates issued by the hospital are NOT acceptable.
- Valid US military ID (active duty, dependent, retired, reserve and National Guard).
- Valid Foreign Passport.
- Original or certified copy of the DD214 (US military separation papers) from the Department of Defense or veteran Affairs. Any DD214 with the disclaimer “Not to be used for identification” is not acceptable.
- Tribal Identification Card.
- United States of United States Territory Certified court order of adoption, (must include date of birth).
The following are NOT acceptable:
- Baptismal Certificates
- Mexican Consular I.D. (Matricula Consular)
If divorced you must provide location and date of divorce.
In Colorado a blood test is NOT required!
- Who Should be Present
At least one party must apply in person. If one party cannot appear in person, they must complete an affidavit from our office with a notarized signature.
A couple wishing to renew their vows or those who have a common law marriage may obtain a license stating that they are married to each other.
Party must be in office for application no later than 3:30 p.m.
- Pay the Fee
The fee is $30.00.
The license is valid for 35 days from date of issuance and is only valid for use within the State of Colorado. You may purchase your license at any of the Clerk and Recorder's offices in Colorado.
Currently we only accept cash or check for this service.
- Plan the Ceremony
Judges, retired judges, magistrates and public officials authorize to perform civil union ceremonies or in accordance with any mode of recognized by a religious denomination or Indian Tribe or Nation.
Clergy from out-of-state need not be registered in Colorado.
Witnesses are not required, but some clergy, judges, or public officials may request them.
- Complete the License Process
Either party to the union may change their name.
Forward completed Civil Union Certificates to the Clerk and Recorder within 63 days of solemnizing.
Failure to file within 63 days will require a late fee of up to $50.00.
You have 98 days total to complete the process.
Gilpin County Old Courthouse
203 Eureka Street
Central City, CO 80427
Monday - Thursday
7:30am to 5:30pm
Recorded documents received after 4:30 p.m. will be recorded on the next business day.
Last in-person recording transaction will be conducted at 4:50pm.