Mission Statement
Our Mission is to provide the traveling motorist with the safest driving experience possible. Everything we do is in preparation of this.
Snow and Ice Removal Policy
Read the full County Snow and Ice Removal Policy. Excerpts below:
- Road Level I: This level includes county collector roads and select roads of high importance (as determined by the Gilpin County Public Works Department). Plowing and sanding operations for Level I roads will normally be carried out between the hours 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Road Level II: This level includes all county collector roads. This level also includes all local roads that currently have a school bus route. Plowing and sanding operations for Level II roads will normally be carried out between the hours 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. In the event of extreme severe weather, Level II roads may not be plowed until all Level I roads have been opened. This level will receive priority over Level III and Level IV roads and will normally be plowed and sanded within the first 24 hours after snowfall has ended.
- Road Level III: This level includes county roads classified as local. Level III roads are the remaining roads which are not included in Level I and/or Level II and are mostly those roads located within subdivisions and low volume roads serving a remote area or location. Level III roads will normally be plowed and/or sanded as needed for snowfalls exceeding four inches, after the needs of Level I and Level II roads are met. Plowing and sanding operations will normally be carried out between the hours of 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This priority level will normally be provided within 24-48 hours after snowfall has ended.
View the Gilpin County Hazards and Watches GIS map to view the Level 1 and Level 2 roads. For questions about your road level, call or email the Public Works main office, 303-582-5004, gcroads@gilpincounty.org.
Regulations & Policies
County Road Regulations: you may request a 32-page hard copy of the County's approved road way design document by contacting Public Works at 303-582-5004.
Contact Public Works
John Combs, Public Works Director
Email Public Works
255 Braecher Park Road
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
Monday to Thursday
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.