Starting on Tuesday, July 2 at 5 p.m., Gilpin County will enter Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. Learn more.


Housing Division

Housing Division


Gilpin County Housing Needs Assessment 2024

Gilpin County was awarded a $200,000 grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Strong Communities Program on November 21st, 2023. The Strong Communities Program provides grants to Colorado local governments to support planning and infrastructure developments that help create additional housing within Colorado. As part of the grant award, Gilpin County is conducting a Housing Needs Assessment of the entire county in cooperation with the City of Central and City of Black Hawk. Both Central City and Black Hawk have contributed financially to the required grant match for the Housing Needs Assessment portion of Gilpin County's Strong Communities grant. Gilpin County, through a competitive request for proposal process, selected the firm Bohannan Huston to conduct the Housing Needs Assessment. 

Project Updates:

March 26, 2024 Project Kickoff Meeting 

April 18th, 2024 First Check In Meeting

*May 21st, 2024 Initial Data and Finding Delivery 

More updated and materials regarding the Housing Needs Assessment coming soon!

Gilpin County Affordable Housing Commitment

On August 8th, 2023 the Gilpin County Commissioners approved Resolution 23-45 which authorized the Director of Community Development to submit an Affordable Housing Commitment to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to unlock Proposition 123 funds for affordable housing projects for applicants within unincorporated Gilpin County. Proposition 123 was approved by Colorado voters in November 2022 which authorized the state to retain money from existing tax revenue to support investments in affordable housing. For these funds to be available to both private and public sector project applicants, local governments must submit a commitment under C.R.S. 29-32-105(1)(a). 

The Gilpin County Commissioners committed to increasing the number of affordable housing units by 3% each year for three years starting January 1st, 2024. Using DOLA's Base Assistance Tool and utilizing Boulder County's Adjusted Median Income (AMI), the county committed to a goal of 6 new units annually and 18 total new affordable housing units at the end of the 3 year cycle. The county decided to use Boulder County's AMI of $125,400 rather than the average AMI of for Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin Counties which was $15,000 lower than Gilpin County's owner median household income. 

Resolution 23-45 and Baseline Assistance Tool Adopted August 8th, 2023

If you are interested in developing an affordable housing project within unincorporated Gilpin County, please reach out to Community Development to schedule a meeting with our director.
