Community Meetings

Community Meetings

Saving for College: Ensuring a Bright College Future

Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Gilpin Count Public Library, 15131 Hwy 119, Black Hawk

It’s never too soon to start thinking about your child’s college education. As college costs continue to rise, beginning to save now is a powerful step towards ensuring their future success. This class is designed to discuss essential topics that every parent should consider when planning for their child's higher education. Covered topics include: 

  • Is it Too Late or Too Early to Save for College
  • Maximizing College Savings   
  • Types of College Savings Accounts
  • Estimating College Tuition
  • Exploring Financial Aid

Chronic Pain and the Role of Fascial Restrictions

Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m.

Gilpin Count Public Library, 15131 Hwy 119, Black Hawk

This presentation describes the details of fascia, causes of restrictions, and ideas for addressing fascial restrictions. Presenter Ella Zevenbergen has more than 20 years of experience as a bodyworker. She is currently focusing on fascial work involving organs, nerves, and arteries.

Gilpin Building Department Open House (Code Updates/Q&A)

Wednesday, April 16 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Historic Courthouse, 203 Eureka Street, Central City

Open house meeting with our Building Code Official Kyle Parag to discuss:

  • Potential updates to Gilpin County Building Codes
  • Impacts of recent changes in Colorado State Law regarding building codes
  • Open question and discussion regarding any building code, plan review, and inspection related comments, questions, and concerns

We would like to invite you to attend this meeting in person. If you’re unable to join us, we will make meeting materials available online. Additionally, we would be more than happy to arrange calls or virtual meetings at a time that works best for you. Please feel free to reach out to us at (303) 582-5831 or email Community Development if interested. 

A quorum of County Commissioners and Planning Commission Members may be in attendance at this meeting.

Butterfly and Larva Identification Training

April 19, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Golden Gate Canyon State Park

After training, participants can go out and track/monitor what they see as citizen scientists!  As a volunteer monitor for the Monarch Larva Monitoring Program (MLMP) and/or Colorado Butterfly Monitoring Network (CBMN), we will better understand butterfly health, ecology, distribution and diversity across the state. No experience is necessary!

Register for the Butterfly and Larva Identification Training.

Colorado Public Utilities Commission Public Comment Hearings

Tuesday, April 29, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (register for April 29)

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will host three virtual public comment hearings on Xcel Energy’s proposed Wildfire Mitigation Plan and encourages anyone who is interested or potentially impacted to participate. The PUC invites community members to provide comments regarding the Company’s $1.9 billion plan for wildfire mitigation. 

The Wildfire Mitigation Plan includes Xcel Energy’s proposed mitigation activities and investments, including targeted equipment inspections, repairs and replacements; expanded vegetation management; system protection enhancements; weather and wind modeling; practices related to public safety power shut-offs; and community and stakeholder outreach.

In addition to public comment hearings, the Commission can take public comment online, by phone, mail or email. For additional information and other ways to submit public comment, visit the PUC's Public Comments page.