Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect for Gilpin County and the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Learn more.


Snow and Ice Removal Policy


GENERAL: Snow and ice removal operations within Gilpin County are considered a vital part of the economic and social welfare of the County. Economics, however, requires a balance between the level of service and the resources available to perform snow and ice removal. The basic philosophy governing Gilpin County’s Snow and Ice Removal Policy is that except during some blizzard conditions, main County roads (collector roads) including all school bus routes, will receive top priority. These roads will be plowed and/or sanded in a timely manner to facilitate the movement of vehicles from areas within the County such as between business districts and rural subdivisions. County roads classified as local roads (usually roads within subdivisions) will receive very limited exceptions.

PROCEDURE: Specific Gilpin County snow and ice removal policies are as follows:

  1. All of Gilpin County’s roads are categorized by the level of snow and ice removal efforts which will be devoted to them. The various levels of snow and ice removal
    services, the degree of service, and the roadways which fall within each level are identified below.
    1. Level I Roads: This level includes collector and select roads of high importance (as determined by the Gilpin County Infrastructure and Development Services Department). Level I roads will be plowed and sanded to accommodate vehicle movement. This level will receive priority over level II and level III roads. Plowing and sanding operations will normally be carried out between the hours of 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    2. Level II Roads: This level includes all collector roads. This level also includes all local roads that currently have a school bus route. Plowing and sanding operations will normally be carried out between the hours of 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. In the event of extreme severe weather, level II roads may not be plowed until all Level I roads have been opened. This level will receive priority over Level III and Level IV roads and will be plowed and sanded within the first 24 hours after snowfall has ended.
    3. Level III Roads: This level includes County roads classified as local. Level III roads are the remaining roads which are not included in Level I and/or Level II above and are mostly those roads located within subdivisions and low volume roads serving a remote area or location. Level III roads will be plowed and /or sanded as needed for snowfalls exceeding four inches, after the needs of Level I and Level II are met. Plowing and sanding operations will normally be carried out between the hours of 4:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This priority level will normally be provided within 24-48 hours after snowfall has ended.
    4. Level IV Roads: Level IV roads are roads such as forest service roads, seasonal roads or roads designated on plats filed with the County or dedicated for public use, but have not been formally accepted by the Gilpin County Board of Commissioners for maintenance. Only emergency maintenance will be provided on Level IV roads. Emergency maintenance can only be approved by the Gilpin County Infrastructure and Development Services Department.
  2. In the event that a Level I, II or III road is contained in a current intergovernmental agreement with another entity that road will be maintained by the County and shall be maintained according to the county’s snow and ice removal policy.
  3. As noted earlier, in the event that blizzard conditions exist with high winds, creating extremely low visibility, Gilpin County may not attempt to provide any snow and ice removal services for any of the above-described levels of services until the blizzard conditions have ended.
  4. Gilpin County normally will spread sand only on steep hills, curves and intersections, and will not spread sand continuously along roadways. Gilpin County will address problem areas such as isolated slick spots, drifted snow, etc. only after snow and ice removal operations on Level I, II and III roads have been met.
  5. Gilpin County will not be responsible for any damage to newspaper delivery boxes, mailboxes, or mailbox units unless they are physically struck by county equipment. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to see that paper boxes and/or mailboxes are properly placed and marked and sturdy enough to ensure that they will not be damaged or destroyed by snow being thrown from passing snowplows. Gilpin County will only replace mailboxes which are physically hit by snowplows,
    provided that the mailboxes are properly located and marked.
  6. Gilpin County will not be responsible for snow removal in front of mailboxes to ensure mail delivery; this is the owner’s responsibility.
  7. Gilpin County will not provide towing service for private or public vehicles which are struck in the snow or have run off the road. Snowplow and sanding truck
    operators may provide assistance if they are passing by, but will not make a special trip to assist. If a tow strap or chain is required to pull a vehicle owner of a stranded vehicle, the owner must physically hook the tow strap or chain to his or her vehicle. Gilpin County operators will not be allowed to hook the tow strap or chain to any vehicle other than Gilpin County’s.
  8. The practice of pushing snow onto or across Gilpin County’s roadways endangers the traveling public as well as snow plow operators. Colorado Revised State Statutes make it unlawful to store or deposit snow on the public right-of-way. Gilpin County residents may receive a warning and/or summons for snow pushed onto the County’s right-of-way from driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, etc.
  9. The parking of vehicles on the traveled portion of County maintained right-of-way is prohibited. Colorado Revised State Statutes and Gilpin County Ordinance 97-1
    make it unlawful to park on the traveled portion of a roadway. Gilpin County residents and/or tourists may receive a warning and/or summons for parking
    vehicles on the traveled portion of a Gilpin County right-of-way or cul-de-sac.
  10. Gilpin County will not plow private driveways or roads except in the case of a life threatening emergency. Any emergency request will be forwarded to the Gilpin
    County Infrastructure and Development Services Department from the Gilpin County Sheriff’s Office. A decision at the time will be made by the Director to have
    the driveway or roadway plowed at the Sheriff’s Office’s request.