2022 Budget Surplus Allocation - Click here for details
As the result of larger-than-expected gaming revenue, the below resolution allocates surplus funds to a number of different areas: Click Here
As the result of larger-than-expected gaming revenue, the below resolution allocates surplus funds to a number of different areas: Click Here
It’s not too late to apply for your forest product permits for the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Permits are available for fuelwood, transplants and mushrooms from the Boulder, Canyon Lakes, Clear Creek and Sulphur Ranger Districts.
Notice is hereby given that a public Logic and Accuracy Test of the electronic voting machines will take place on Thursday October 6, 2022 at 12noon.
The Human Services &Public Health Building located at 15193 Highway 119 in Black Hawk will be closed from Monday September 26, 2022 through Friday September 30, 2022 due to a COVID-19 outbreak. While our building is closed you can still reach us by phone at (303) 582-5444. We are available to answer calls and direct them to the appropriate staff.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
The Human Services and Public Health Building will be closed today, but staff will be available by phone or virtually.
Just a reminder! The Mobile Vaccine Bus will be at the Gilpin Community Center one day each month and the Nederland Community center on another day each month. The new Booster that is more effective against Omicron will be available for anyone ages 12 and over for Pfizer and 18 and older for Moderna. Flu shots will also be available! No appointments needed!
The vaccine bus was scheduled at the Gilpin Community Center this upcoming Sunday. That showing has now been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.