News Article

Phone outage in Gilpin County - REPAIRED

The fiber line has been repaired and all of the phones at the Gilpin County Emergency Dispatch Center have been restored. For emergencies dial 911. For non-emergencies, dial 303-582-5500 or 303-582-5511.

Gross Reservoir February 16, 2023 Update

On Feb. 17, 2023, the westbound lane of Highway 72 at Gross Dam Road will be temporarily closed to allow for roadside barrier placement. During this time, traffic control will be in place, with flaggers alternating westbound and eastbound traffic through the open lane on Highway 72. These barriers will be in place during the early phases of the intersection work to separate the work zone from traffic as heavy equipment moves through the area.


Apex Building Closed

The Apex Building at 495 Apex Valley Road is closed due plumbing issues. The following steps are being taken so that County business may continue without interruption:

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Gilpin County

203 Eureka Street
Central City, Colorado 80427

County Directory

Phone: 303-582-5214
Fax: 303-582-5440


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