Solar Electric System Permitting
Online Portal for all Applications, Permits, and Inspections
Automated Solar Permitting Through SolarApp+
Community Development is now offering instant solar permitting and plan review through SolarApp+ online. System installers must create an account with SolarApp+ to submit their plans:
Automated Permitting Instructions
- Complete an application on the SolarAPP+ website
- Upon completion of the application, you will be directed to the Gilpin County’s OpenGov Citizen Services electronic permitting system, to complete an online application.
- Login to your OpenGov account (if you do not have an account, please register for a free account) and then, follow the instructions below.
- Start a new permit application for a "Solar Permit"
- Enter your address starting with number and street name. The address should automatically populate. If the address does not populate or the property has not yet been assigned a formal address, you can enter your six digit Assessor Account Number starting with the letters "R" or "N". If the property does not have a formal address, you will see the an address of "0 No Street" populate on the form.
- Complete the form entry questions regarding applicant and project information.
- Enter your SolarAPP+ ID number (from your SolarAPP+ application).
- Input the system size in kW’s.
- Add your attachments
- SolarAPP+ Approval Checklist
- Solar Equipment Spec Sheets
- One-Line Diagram (Electrical)
- Once all 3 documents have been uploaded, click on “Continue Application”.
- Once all applicable fees have been paid:
- You will be given a record number SOLR-25 (Permit type-year we are in) and then your permit number (Example: SOLR-25-1).
- Your permit will be auto issued.
- The permit will be available under your profile on “Permits and Docs"
Addendums and Field Revisions
- Submit your revisions through Solar App+.
- Once approved through Solar App+, upload your new revised checklist into the Gilpin County’s online permitting portal.
- Upload the approved checklist into your original solar permit record.
- Schedule for inspections through Gilpin County OpenGov and have the new checklist available in the field.
Note: Field revisions may require additional inspection fees