Solar Electric System Permitting

Solar Electric System Permitting

Online Portal for all Applications, Permits, and Inspections

Automated Solar Permitting Through SolarApp+

Community Development is now offering instant solar permitting and plan review through SolarApp+ online. System installers must create an account with SolarApp+ to submit their plans: 

SolarAPP+ SignOn

Automated Permitting Instructions

  1. Complete an application on the SolarAPP+ website  
  2. Upon completion of the application, you will be directed to the Gilpin County’s OpenGov Citizen Services electronic permitting system, to complete an online application.
  3. Login to your OpenGov account (if you do not have an account, please register for a free account) and then, follow the instructions below.
  4. Start a new permit application for a "Solar Permit"
  5. Enter your address starting with number and street name. The address should automatically populate. If the address does not populate or the property has not yet been assigned a formal address, you can enter your six digit Assessor Account Number starting with the letters "R" or "N". If the property does not have a formal address, you will see the an address of "0 No Street" populate on the form. 
  6. Complete the form entry questions regarding applicant and project information. 
  7. Enter your SolarAPP+ ID number (from your SolarAPP+ application). 
  8. Input the system size in kW’s.
  9. Add your attachments
    1. SolarAPP+ Approval Checklist
    2. Solar Equipment Spec Sheets
    3. One-Line Diagram (Electrical)
    4. Once all 3 documents have been uploaded, click on “Continue Application”.
  10. Once all applicable fees have been paid:
    1. You will be given a record number SOLR-25 (Permit type-year we are in) and then your permit number (Example: SOLR-25-1).
    2. Your permit will be auto issued.
    3. The permit will be available under your profile on “Permits and Docs"

Addendums and Field Revisions

  1. Submit your revisions through Solar App+. 
  2. Once approved through Solar App+, upload your new revised checklist into the Gilpin County’s online permitting portal. 
  3. Upload the approved checklist into your original solar permit record. 
  4. Schedule for inspections through Gilpin County OpenGov and have the new checklist available in the field.

Note: Field revisions may require additional inspection fees