Mobile Vaccine Bus

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Just a reminder! The Mobile Vaccine Bus will be at the Gilpin Community Center one day each month and the Nederland Community center on another day each month. The new Booster that is more effective against Omicron will be available for anyone ages 12 and over for Pfizer and 18 and older for Moderna. Flu shots will also be available! No appointments needed!

May be an image of text that says 'POWER THE COMEBACK VACCINE MOBILE BUS ま NEXT STOP i Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, boosters and Flu doses available Gilpin County Community Center 250 Norton Dr. Sunday, September 11, 10am to 4pm Sunday October 09, 10am to 4pm Nederland Community Center 750 CO-72 Nederland, co Sunday, September 25th 10am to 4pm Sunday, October 23rd 10am to 4pm POWER IT'S TIME FOR COMEBACK. GET YOUR VACCINE NOW Vaccines are free, and no ID, insurance, or appointment is needed!'