Housing Needs Assessment Open House: Tuesday, January 28 starting at 5:30 p.m., Historic Courthouse or virtual


Gross Reservoir May 13, 2022

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As a reminder, Denver Water has temporarily closed all recreation access to Gross Reservoir as contractors build access improvements on the north side of the reservoir ahead of the upcoming boating season. These improvements are needed to accommodate the shift in recreation access due to closures on the south side of the reservoir for the duration of the project.

Work during the closure will include a new parking area, trail handrails, improvements to trail and access road surfacing, boat ramp construction and new signage.

As the project moves forward, there will also be periodic on-water recreation closures to ensure recreationist safety. Such closures will be temporary, and we will make every effort to alert the public to closures ahead of time. We encourage visitors to the reservoir to check the project website, grossreservoir.org, or Google My Map for information on access and construction activities.

Read the full press release here.