Gilpin County Community Center - COVID Related Updates

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Due to the economic impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus), Gilpin County must implement measures to ensure the financial viability of the County. The current pandemic situation has impacted our community and businesses significantly. Gilpin County has had a substantial loss in revenue due to casinos closing. Additionally, the Cares Act funding is not being granted to local governments under 500,000 in population which includes only five of the sixty-four counties in Colorado. As a result, we are facing some difficult decisions.

We have weighed multiple options. It is with a heavy heart that we have made the strategic decision to temporarily close the Community Center, and furlough 52 Parks and Recreation employees. This includes 23 employees who are currently working, and 29 seasonal employees who planned to return this summer to help with camps and events. These changes will go into effect on May 2, 2020 and are expected to last at least through July 10, 2020.

Gilpin County strives to protect our most important asset, our employees. That is why at this time we opted to implement a temporary unpaid leave instead of a layoff. We will continue to look for funding, and our hope is to be in a financial position to safely, and socially distanced, reopen the Community Center.

During these difficult times, while we have to make hard decisions, you have our commitment to continue to make decisions that will honor treating each other and the community with dignity and respect. We will demonstrate the highest standards of honesty, integrity, personal accountability, and the highest level of ethical character. Together we will all persevere in the face of adversity.

The following programs and camps are canceled until further notice:

  • Afterschool Programs
  • Adult Softball
  • Youth Baseball
  • YEP Pass Classes
  • Youth/Adult Martial Arts
  • Pottery
  • Open Gym Fun Time
  • Open Gym/Pickleball
  • Fitness Classes
  • Water Aerobics
  • Dog Training
  • Stitchers Get Together
  • Adult Martial Arts
  • Outdoor Arena
  • Exhibit Barn

The following special events are canceled for 2020:

  • Gilpin County Fair
  • Fairground Frenzy Special Event (in partnership with High Country Auxiliary)
  • July 4th Barn Dance

We appreciate your support during this difficult time.


Gilpin County Commissioners:
District 1, Ron Engels
District 2, Linda Isenhart
District 3, Gail Watson