Phone outage in Gilpin County - REPAIRED

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The fiber line has been repaired and all of the phones at the Gilpin County Emergency Dispatch Center have been restored. For emergencies dial 911. For non-emergencies, dial 303-582-5500 or 303-582-5511. Thank you for your patience during this outage.

Outage Information:

-Unknown exact time of outage, but discovered it around 10:45am

-Initially, Clear Creek and Black Hawk had both aired over the radio that their phone lines were down. This has been revised. Clear Creek 911 is down.

-Black Hawk has all phone lines working.

-Clear Creek has two phone lines working and Gilpin will transfer any 911 calls to them.

-T-Mobile is experiencing outages in areas of Gilpin, Clear Creek and Jefferson County.

-Gilpin Dispatch has two cell phones and the phone numbers have been released to the public via Reverse notification (Hyper-Reach), Twitter, Facebook. 303-956-1307 or 303-748-6254

-CenturyLink, Lumen and T-Mobile are investigating and no ETR.