Gateway to the Rockies Opioid Council Announces Over $11 Million in Funding Opportunities

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February 11, 2025

(GOLDEN, CO) -  The Gateway to the Rockies Opioid Council (GROC), or Region 10, representing Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties, has received funding from opioid settlement dollars to address gaps and opportunities in prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The funding is focused on people who use opioids or other substances and those with opioid use disorders and other substance use disorders and mental illnesses in the region.

GROC’s 2025 General Funding Opportunity window opened on Feb. 1 and will close on March 31, 2025. This General Funding Request for Applications (RFA) invites organizations to submit proposals that mitigate the region's greatest needs related to substance use disorders. 

GROC will dedicate dollars to the following objectives:

  • Prevention efforts focusing on youth and community-wide initiatives. 
  • Treatment strategies, include a variety of outpatient services providing in-person and tele-health options.
  • Recovery initiatives focusing on housing with peer support services and community-based response programs and clinics.
  • Harm reduction services.
  • Planning and coordination efforts focused on workforce development such as education for substance use disorders and mental health services.

Applications for funding opportunities must be received electronically by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 31, 2025. For additional information regarding the funding opportunities, visit the GROC website or contact Dr. Chelsea Shore at