A Message from DOLA: Emergency Assistance Now Available

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Emergency funding is now available for rent and mortgage assistance to low-income families facing financial hardship due to economic disruption associated with COVID-19.

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Colorado Division of Housing (DOH) awarded funding from Colorado’s Disaster Emergency Fund allocated through Governor Polis’ Executive Order D 2020 012 to 18 partner agencies. Two agencies will provide assistance to eligible Coloradans in all 64 counties: Salvation Army and Brothers Redevelopment.

DOH established a new online mapping tool to help Coloradans identify the entity providing emergency funding in their location. We are also encouraging applicants to go through 211 as additional or alternative resources may be available.

In order to qualify for assistance, households must have earned below 50% of the Area Median Income for their county prior to March 11, 2020. Income guidelines are available here.